Contact IncognifyMail

Your Email, Your Privacy. Say Goodbye to Spam.

Get Started with IncognifyMail

If you would like to register for IncognifyMail, please send your request to

Your request should include:


Service Price
IncognifyMail account with 100 aliases $30/year or $3 billed monthly
IncognifyMail account with 300 aliases $60/year or $6 billed monthly
IncognifyMail Pro account with custom domain with 100 aliases $50/year or $5 billed monthly
IncognifyMail Pro account with custom domain with 300 aliases $80/year or $8 billed monthly
IncognifyMail Enterprise account with 100 aliases on custom domain with Office 365 license included (inbound and outbound functionality) $150/year or $15 billed monthly
IncognifyMail Enterprise account with 300 aliases on custom domain with Office 365 license included (inbound and outbound functionality) $180/year or $18 billed monthly

Important Information

Get Started Today